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Excellent Beginnings : A Study of Genesis (9781519131461)

Bible scholar and teacher, Dr. John R. Hargrove has designed a wonderful, year-long course for the individual Bible student and for the classroom. Spread out over twelve courses, each book is a wonderful and insightful introduction to the Word of God. From Genesis to Revelation, Dr. Hargrove hopes to help you grow in the Lord and to understand his Word at a deeper, more profound level. An intimate level. Ideal for small group study and for the individual, the Biblical Studies 101 program is, we think, ideal for you, too.

Excellent Beginnings: Course One
Let's go back in time to the story of Creation and a study of the earliest men in the Book of Genesis. The question is: did God create us or did we come from a sort of cosmic soup billions of years ago? Since Creation has obviously taken place, I believe there is a Creator. He is God.

In the Bible, we will see that God does not speak verbally to everyone, but chooses specific people to talk to, and asks them to go forth as prophets for Him. Those were usually men of great faith. We will soon learn that the Bible is not a story of great men, but of a great God. Yes, the Lord still communicates with us today, and I want to show you how. In this study, Course One of the "Biblical Studies 101", we will assume the Creation story is the true one. If you are not sure about that, I invite you to settle in and read what God has to say about it.

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Download Excellent Beginnings : A Study of Genesis (9781519131461).pdf, available at secure.drbook.co for free.


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